Up And Down Goes Life

Up and down
Goes life.
Up and down.
How long will we continue
Avoiding the downs,
Endlessly chasing the ups.
In all honesty,
Who cares?
Who cares if we are on an up?
Who cares if we are on a down?
Someone asks me ‘how are you?’
And my true answer
My honest answer
Is ‘Who cares?’
Who cares about spending time looking
Constantly worried about ‘how we are’
We know from enough years
Enough centuries and millennia
That ‘how we are’ is sometimes up
And sometimes down.
And that the down will for sure after the up
And the up will come for sure after the down.
Aren’t we tired
Of checking ‘how we are’
Concerned about chasing the ups
Mistakenly believing our anxiety can avoid the downs?
Exhausted, so exhausted,
I eventually opened my hand
And let go
And for the first time ever
Trusted Life.
Let life bring the ups
Let life bring the downs
Since they define the world of duality
We inhabit.
They cannot be avoided,
As life has taught us.
And why should they?
Who told us we were here to improve upon the design of life?
What makes us think we know better than this creation
That contains planets, stars and galaxies
And yet we think we are the ‘general managers’ of this Universe
And must constantly struggle and pine because otherwise
Something will go wrong.
The arrogance!
Well how about trusting Life,
That what’s happening is what has to happen,
Since it is,
After all,
What is happening.
We can stress about it
Or dance with it,
But we have no power to stop this constant churning
Of the dual world.
So let us dance with the rain,
Slide with the ice,
Bask in the sun.
When we must suffer, we suffer
When we can feast, we feast.
For such is life
And it is Grand
JUST as it is.