

Why did you create this Website?

As said in the chapter "Because She Asked" of the Book Glimpses of Her"She asked me to write and so I write. I do not need to or wish to or feel inclined to consider anything else." 

Glimpses Of Her is about the indescribable. However, out of the experience of Awareness this Fire Burns and it must express Itself. This website was born out of that, together with everything that exists in the canvas of Awareness.

What is your purpose with this Website?

To sing the unsung song. To Burn with the Flame. If you are burning send me a note to [email protected].

Can you answer questions?

The author is nobody. He’s no guide, no guru, no teacher. He’s just a fool dancing in intoxication for Her. There is no point in contacting the author for guidance. However, if you have read in this book something that resonates with you and, for the sheer delight of it, you wish to contact the author to share it, or if you are in grief and the time has come that you are in pain out of not knowing what you are, please feel free to do so at [email protected]

What is this Path called?

The bundle of thoughts that we call 'me' is moving around in the canvas of Awareness. The author considers all Paths are true and good, and this website is not an attempt to validate some more than others. But the Truth cannot be intellectualized. The Truth IS, in front of us all the time, and it must be seen, not 'reasoned.' In the case of the author, everything was eventually dropped and all labels dropped. In fact, in the case of this author, as it is described in the chapter "When Everything Falls Apart" in this book,  one of the most painful experiences through it all was the process of 'unlearning' everything. All the old 'truths' we hold dear fall one by one and we stand alone in terrifying aloneness. This cannot be labeled. It cannot. All labels are a partial correct description of the One (For more on this, read the chapter "The Dinner With Saints And Sinners, Kings And Beggars" in this book or send me a note at [email protected]), but just as the description of food does not quench hunger, the Truth must be seen, not 'studied.'

Do you sell anything in this Website?

There is nothing for sale in this this Website. There are links to my book(s), however. You do not need to purchase them at all. The book(s) exist as an expression of the experience. They don't teach anything. You can send me a note to [email protected] to discuss or post a comment on the blog: glimpsesofher.com/blog 

Unbearable Grief?

If you are in grief, if you are suffering beyond words, I ask you to contact me at [email protected].

Everything you read here was seen only after unbearable suffering. The grief that broke the 'me.' Realization is not, however, the 'result' of anything. In fact I don't quite agree with the term 'realization' as it is usually used. What was there was always there. But it is true that in some cases it can only be seen after great suffering pushes the limits of the 'me.' In other cases, it is seen spontaneously, as when we look at a stereogram and the 'Truth' that is always there is suddenly seen. This is described in the chapter 'A Stereogram' in this book, as well as in a quote here.

Why does The Glimpses Of Her Book contain zero quotes?

The world has enough parrots. The Path is not about repeating what someone else has said, it doesn't matter who. Be yourself, find yourself. The Self that lives behind all suffering and joys, the immutable self that has always been there. This book has no quotes on purpose. The author had to first unlearn everything learned to 'see.' There is nothing to 'understand.' Just look and see for yourself. The world has enough parrots.

Is anything missing here?

If you think anything is missing that should be addressed in this about page please send me a note to [email protected] and it will be considered.