This Darkness is my Home

The aloneness of Being.
This Terrifying Aloneness
This all encompassing Darkness
Which turns out to be the All.
This Darkness is my Home.
Who would ever want to walk this Path?
This Path took everything from me.
My sanity, my smile,
My companionship, my beliefs,
Step by step,
Little by little
It broke me.
Who would ever seek this on purpose?
To die
Again and again.
To realize all the old comforts are gone
And all the old techniques are empty.
Who would ever willingly walk this Path?
Yet this Path stole my life
And in return gave this this Absolute
And in It, now
I AM That.
That which was alive through life and death.
That which saw it all.
That which was never born but witnessed a million births and more
That which will see death but can never die.
That I AM.
That which is ORDINARY,
The most common of the most common.
The closest of the closest.
The most intimate of the most intimate.
Oh seeker,
The fireworks you seek,
Are but a trifle,
Compared to the Treasure you already are
Always were
Always will be.
Stop clinging to this belief
The belief that you were born.
That which was born
Is but a bundle of thoughts and emotions.
And this bundle dies constantly
In its constant changing.
Oh seeker?
What you seek
You were and always will be.
And open your eyes!