
To those who came
To challenge ‘me’
I say
Go ahead.
Challenge ‘me’!
Take everything from this ‘me’
Even life itself.
I cannot lose anything,
This ‘me’ you challenge
In your own threatened state
Is but a game of mirrors,
A trick of the mind
That serves a purpose in duality.
This ‘me’ which is not ‘you’
Was never real,
Was never permanent.
It’s but a device of duality to function.
Challenge it!
Take it.
I stand behind it witnessing the play
And will for ever watch this Cosmos life, die and come back to life.
For I am Awareness.
You read something like this, you say?
I say no, you never read anything like this.
If you did, burn it.
Discard it.
It’s not real, it’s dead, it’s empty.
This country was never described,
This state was never written about,
This land nobody ever stepped on.
Unlearn everything you ever learned,
If you aspire to ever see one day.
SEE, I repeat.
For all we need to do,
To Be,
Is Look,
And SEE.
And it is done.